English(2019.3.8 men at work)
自己紹介 研究所 地域サロン 社会保障
研修・講演 相談室 山歩き English リンク

Masayoshi Kawamura
 Graduate School Professor Musashino University and Doctor Waseda University (human Science)
  Social WelfareReserch institute Boss and communuty salon“pllat” Boss.
  Mountain Essayist

Most important work
1.“Social welfare (all 21 volumes) Minerva Publishing of the 21st century”Minerva Publishing.
2..“Community-based welfare and Social Governance,center law publication.
3..“From nursing care insurance to care security”Minerva Publishing.
4..“Local debut of the lump of earth generation”Mirai Publishing.
5..“The survival method more than life 100 years”Kumi Publishing.
6..“The book which understands revised nursing care insurance”jiyuu kokumin

Field of study;Social security,Social welefare for the aged,Community-based welfare and Disaster policy.
 Study room; 1-1-20 shin-town Nishitokyo-city tokyo,japan.
New book

Tel and Fax 042-468-3964
Reserch institute; 3-12-10-101 sakai Musashino-city tokyo,japan
Tel and Fax 042-469-0531
http://www.geocities.jp/kawamura 0515

Photo:Youhavefixed-point observationtheruralwelfare anddisaster recoveryofSwitzerland
                                 (in Switzerland